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Regional plan discussed at workshop opened by Cr Graham Able

edo_jobragg.jpgJimboomba Times dated 18 March 2009 covered the community workshop.

 Regional plan discussed

Environmental Defenders member Jo Bragg talks the crowd through legal implications the draft plan
CONCERNED environmental groups gathered on Saturday to discuss the 2009-2031 draft South East Queensland Regional Plan.
Logan and Albert Conservation Association (LACA) vice president Kathy Faldt said about 40 people including representatives from the Environmental Defenders Office, Wildlife Logan, LACA and members of the public met to voice their concerns and discuss a way forward.
"The problem is the growth and development that is planned is not sustainable," Ms Faldt said.

"If we have this development, we have to have benchmarks, some ecological balances."
Ms Faldt said the devil was in the detail. "If you only read the introduction to the plan, the rhetoric is wonderful, but the reality does not match the rhetoric," she said.
"They have to walk the talk. We had a couple of concerns with the koala mapping.

"Unless an area is included on the koala mapping, that section of land is not protected from development.
"We have 300 sightings of koalas in the north Beaudesert area.
"Unless that area is mapped, they are not protected.

In the Scenic Rim area, there's no mapping happening."
Ms Faldt urged residents to offer feedback on the plan which will be accepted until April 3.
For more information or to lodge a submission on the plan, visit

More from the organisers......

Chairperson was David Keogh from Logan Wildlife. Other speakers on the day were Ted Fensom, Anne Page and Brooke Hinch. All speakers have many environmental credentials and have been actively advocating for many years for protection of quality habitat, connected corridors of habitat which provides unrestricted safe landscape for natve fauna to move, meet and mate and  also a clean environment for all creaures including we humans.

Cr Graham Able's opening address was largely about the excessive consumption and wasteful practices of our society which are unsustainable - but driving all this proposed expanded development.

We hope to follow this workshop with others on climate change, transport especially, and ways to reduce our energy use and save money, growing locally and of course more wildlife and vegetation workshops. We are happy to take your requests for topics for discussion or sharing knowledge.

Copy of some information presented will be added to website soon. 

The Love the Logan Valley Campaign presented some background information on Bromelton SDA and its "sister city" Narangba. These two files provide the screen images but not the text More information can be gleaned from the website.  seq_plan_public_meeting_-_1.pdf 778.21 Kb 22/03/2009, 23:38

  seq_plan_public_meeting_-_2.pdf 794.24 Kb 22/03/2009, 23:42 

Read 2474 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:43