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Food Connect - responsible food production and distribution

Food Connect is a unique, innovative fresh food distributor, with the dual goals of making clean, local food an affordable reality for as many families as possible, while working towards creating a sustainable food system for South East Queensland.

By eating food that is grown within a five hour radius of Brisbane - Logan City - Scenic Rim Region, Food Connect members cut down on their greenhouse gas emissions and reduce their carbon footprint. Several farmers in Scenic Rim are part of this local food system.

Farmers are paid fair prices and are offered incentives for farming in chemical free, ecologically sustainable ways.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are packed into boxes each morning, and the boxes are distributed to central pickup points for subscribers to pick up in the afternoons.

Most subscribers pick up their boxes on their way home from work, or from picking up their children from school, which further cuts down on fuel use and carbon emissions

Food Connect is 2009 Banksia People's Choice Award Winner

Food Connect is leading the way towards responsible food production and distribution in Australia. Unlike most national food distributors, major supermarket chains and produce box schemes, Food Connect sources its sustainable produce from local and regional family farms. They provide our family farmers a fair price for their produce, which encourages them to continue growing our food. This, in turn, helps our region to be more food secure. Furthermore, our local food distribution system ensures a significant reduction in the carbon emissions that are associated with transporting food long distances.

Your food choices matter!

As a Food Connect subscriber, your choice contributes in very tangible ways to building an ecologically and socially sustainable world.

Read more about them at their website   Read more about the awards on the website This process in known as community supported agriculture CSA.

The Banksia Environmental Awards are based on

Achieving a Sustainable Australia
Recognising and rewarding environmental excellence
Promoting best practice principles
Contributing to action-learning and education

Read 1055 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:43