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Gondwana-RainforestsThe Gondwana Rainforests of Australia represents over 50 separate reserves ranging from southern Queensland to Barrington Tops near Sydney. First listed in 1986 this World Heritage Listed property of sub tropical and temperate rainforests has been extended in recent years.  It is an outstanding record of flowering plants, true songbirds and other rare and threatened animals of the most ancient lineage.

 According to community representative Richard Zoomers, “What makes it so special is that it is a record of the past and a window into the future. New discoveries continue to be made as we better study the mysteries of these unique habitats of conservation.”

 “And we have this in our own backyard. The Scenic Rim is at the heart of the Queensland section and is a hotspot of biodiversity in Australia.  However huge pressures are constantly being exerted requiring careful monitoring,” he said.

 The management of Gondwana is overseen by both the Queeensland and NSW Wildlife services. Two advisory committees of scientific and community representatives also make significant contributions to decisions affecting the future of this remarkable wonderland. 

“These committees provide the chance for the community to have their input on a whole of property scale to deal with threats, day to day management, community engagement and promotion.”


Richard will be giving a presentation on Gondwana, its values, threats and management

Logan and Albert Conservation Association’s monthly meeting

Thursday 25  March at 7.30pm 

Beaudesert Arts and Community Information Centre. 

 Everyone is welcome

Read 2548 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:44