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Keeping up to date with koala news

Logan and Albert Conservation Association believes that the greatest threats to the long term survival of  koalas in South East Queensland include loss of habitat to allow for expansion of the urban footprint and associated infrastructure and failure to identify Koala Conservation Areas by surveying.

Here  we will endeavour to provide links to relevant reports, documents, websites, news stories, EPA documents and other resources that will help the reader follow the koala's path to the future.

Please contact us if you would like to contribute to this resource page.

This report from EPA : Report on Koala Coast koala surveys 2005-2006 has details regarding koala population decline - they do refer to Logan but it is only Logan in the Koala Coast Region (ie east of the Pacific Motorway).

Another report of interest is that detailing information about the requirement to have a koala spotter for clearing trees in District A. The file Tree clearing and trimming - Koala Spotter requirements is available here.

Some Terms used and explained include:

Clearing: the Koala Plan refers to the Integrated Planning Act 1997 for the definition of "clearing". Under this Act, clearing means remove, cut down, ring bark, push over or destroy in any way including burning, flooding or draining. It does not include destroying standing vegetation by stock or lopping a tree.
District A: is defined as the SEQ Region as per the SEQ Regional Plan. District A contains the highest koala population densities at the highest risk from threatening processes.
Koala Habitat Areas are identified as Koala Conservation Areas (KCA), Koala Sustainability Areas (KSA) or Urban Koala Areas (UKA).
Koala Habitat Tree: means a tree of any of the following genera: Angophora; Corymbia (gum tree), Eucalyptus (gum tree); Lophostemon (brush box or swamp box); or Melaleuca (paper bark or tea tree).

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The whole Queensland government Koala Conservation Plan and Management Plan 2006-2016 [6.32Mb] can be accessed or downloaded from this page - essential reading before the review of SEQ Regional Plan towards end 2008.

Read 4107 times Last modified on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 04:42